Saturday, November 2, 2013

Frightened by the upcoming Holidays?

Halloween just past and the thought of the next holiday has already crept into your mind. Have you had enough time to plan? It’s less than a month away for Thanksgiving, the candy is gone and the decorations are coming down. New plans start to unravel.  The list begins: You got the turkey, the stuffing, cranberry sauce but forgot how outdated your table was! How are you going to find something in time for turkey day? Besides our great same day design deals and our awesome outlet there is still time to get your dream table for the holiday. You don’t want to be living in a haunted house, do you?

Whether you are planning a Thanksgiving at the shore or giving it a modern twist, we have plenty to choose from. The Holiday is about giving thanks. It is about spending time with family and friends. It is about gathering together to appreciate the little things in life and the blessings you have. Most of the time you end up gathering around the table or living area chatting about the years passed. Is that sagging sofa you are sitting on a part of those conversations? When Sally spilled the punch or Danny smeared mashed potatoes in the seats? We have a great selection of floor mark downs and outlet finds to bring in a fresh look for the holidays! You can customize your furniture the way you want for the holiday, but don’t wait there is no time to spare! Each day passing is a missed opportunity to order your furniture.

If Thanksgiving is not at your house this year but you want to get a jump start on Christmas, most of the manufacturers we carry take about six weeks to come in. So come in now and shop around to get your new furniture for the holiday party. There is only a week left to get Klaussner for Christmas! With hundreds of fabrics and configurations to choose from it will be the best present next to the tree this year.
As the holidays near, stop by Kensington and scratch a new sofa or dining set off the list. Our Design Consultants are here to help make your house a home.  They will come to your home so everything is a perfect fit. Set something up today!