Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fall into the Season

It’s that time of the year again, the time to fall into the season. Many customers ask us how to decorate for the changing seasons without having to drastically alter their living spaces. Furniture is an investment, so we suggest that you pick something that matches your style. This could mean selecting an arrangement that remains neutral to the various seasons so that you do not have to worry about changing your style every three months. You don’t have to go out and buy a whole new house worth of furniture. In fact, there are small ways to make a big impact on your living space. One way is through artwork; it is a great way to change the feel of your room. You can alter the landscapes of individual rooms or simply just swap  pictures of your family to match the current season 

So how do you change it up? How can you use small accessories to make a big impact? First step for a living space is to change up the pillows. It is a small expense that can have a big impact on what you want. When picking the pillows for the season you should keep your desired color scheme in mind.  Will you be picking burnt orange and butternut squash or more earthy tones of browns? With pillows you can add tons of texture to the room. Pick thicker fabrics like velvets or burlap to give your space a warm autumn feel. While you are at it, why stop at just one fabric,  this could be your time to add  a sense of richness to the room. Go with a theme that goes along with what you like most about the fall. By adding throw pillows to the mix, it will not only help to accessorize, but it will also give you something to cozy up with by the fire on cold nights to come. 

So what inspires you?  Is it the leaves changing, or the crisp autumn air? Hot cider, hay bales and corn stalks? Apple picking and pumpkin picking have always been a season favorite for me. If you bring these elements into your home, it creates a cheap and easy way to add festive elements at a low cost that will leave a big impact. Just remember, at the end of the day this is your home and you want it to both comfort and inspire you. Pick accessories that naturally do that. Fall in love with your home as you fall into the season. Breathe in that fresh autumn air and let the decorating begin. 

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