Thursday, January 30, 2014

What Will The Super Bowl Be Like In 100 Years?

“I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.” 
― Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein didn't like to think about the future. But with Super Bowl XLVIII coming up this week, we are wondering what the Super Bowl would be like in 100 years. More specifically, what type of furniture would be in the stadium to increase comfort for all fans and viewers.

Let’s take a look at a few pieces of furniture that we think would be a super cool addition to the stadium during Super Bowl CXLVIII.

BEDS: How cool would it be for a stadium to be filled with beds? Rather than sitting on uncomfortable stadium seating, lay back in a bed and even use the blankets if you are cold! It would be even more exciting if you could get the stadium to put in power sets that would move the bed up and down to maximize comfort and visibility for the fan.

RECLINERS: Lean back in your recliner in the stadium and watch the game in style. Having recliners with cup holders instead of stadium benches would be an excellent addition to the game experience! If the game gets serious, you could easily sit up and be on the edge of your seat!

Team Accent Chairs: Each stadium could have their own accent chairs that had their team logo embroidered on the head rest. It is festive and will even create more team spirit!

Having more comfortable furniture would obviously create less seating for fans that wish to attend the game. However, I am sure they can always make the stadiums bigger! 

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