Sunday, March 16, 2014

How to Make Your Home Clutter-Free With Furniture

“Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.” - Phyllis Diller

One thing that all of our customers have in common is the fact that they are BUSY. They are moms/dads, professionals, students, and many other important roles! Cleaning is not going to be the top priority on their "to-do list!" This means that their home is not always the tidiest home on the block.

How can you make your home clutter-free with furniture? One way is to use furniture that can double as storage. We found a few pieces on our display floor that would be the perfect match for someone who needs to know how to organize their clutter by using furniture!

Storage Beds: For the perfect storage in your bedroom, choose a storage bed that has drawers in the footboard of the bed. You can use these drawers for clothes, accessories or even toys in your child’s room.

Cocktail Tables: Look for a cocktail table with drawers for additional storage in your living room. Do you like to read a lot of magazines but you never want to throw them out? Put them in the drawers. You can also use these drawers for coasters, your television remote or for more books.

End Tables: Many end tables have drawers but if you have a lot of clutter, choose one with the most storage room. You have many different options when it comes to end tables since there are so many models of them!

Storage Ottomans: Perfect for toys or a blanket in your living room, a storage ottoman not only provides you a place to rest your feet but also additional seating! If you are having all of your friends over and you don’t have enough seating, push the ottoman against the wall and use it as a place to sit!

Bookcases: Bookcases aren't just made for books anymore! Display your awards, your favorite books and your trinkets in your bookcase.

If closet storage is not an option, there are many other furniture pieces that you could utilize for storage. Be creative and think outside of the box. For example, a television stand with a lot of drawers could act as a dresser type of storage in your living room.

Using furniture to store the extra clutter in your home not only provides a place for you to put your things but it also acts as an additional accent piece in your home! What do you use for additional storage in your home?

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