Wednesday, February 19, 2014

10 Ways to Embrace the Outdoors with Furniture

"I'm an outdoors girl - I like to go fishing, riding four-wheelers, hunting." - Miranda Lambert

During the winter months, it is hard to get outside and have some quality time with nature. After being cooped up all winter, we really miss the rustic and solemnness of the sweet outdoors. What better way to embrace the outdoors than to bring it inside!

Decorating your home with a rustic look can be very flexible. Whether you are a country girl like Miranda Lambert or you simply like to be in the outdoors, a rustic look can be for everyone! Many of our customers live at the beach. How would they decorate with a rustic feel without having their home look misplaced? Easy, don’t go all out rustic. Instead, incorporate some pieces into your home that can look great in any location, whether it be in a National Park or in South Jersey.

Here are a few accent pieces that our store designer, Carolyn, picked out! She created an accessory pod in our store with these items. Use them to create a rustic feel in your home.

Accent Chair. Here at Kensington Furniture, we are obsessed with accent chairs to say the least. We have featured them in many of our blogs and believe that they are the perfect accent for any living space. Adding a rustic looking accent chair to room with neutral colored furniture will increase the color in the room while adding a “Mother Nature” feel.

Elaborate Designed Pillows. Get crazy and jump out of your comfort zone. Add accent pillows that have elaborate designs on them. Not only are they comfortable to relax with, but they can bring some excitement to a boring room. Try adding pillows that are green, brown and/or tan in color. Those colors will look the most rustic and fit well with the "Mother Nature" look.

Table Lamp. Table lamps are widely used as accent pieces but they are much more than just that. They obviously provide light for the room but a great lamp shade will provide different shades of light. For example, to get a rustic look, choose a lamp shade with a dark or wooden decoration. The light will be dimmed and the environment will be more relaxing.

Accent Jar. We included accent jars on our list because they are super cool to use on mantels and side tables. Pick a jar with an animal print or jungle pattern.You don't always have to fill them with something, leaving them be as an accessory is fine too!

Mirror. We are obsessed with this hemp mirror. It would look fantastic in a rustic room or even in a beach home. It is made from all natural hemp and the way it falls around the mirror creates an awesome look. Boring mirrors tend to blend into the room. This mirror was made to stand out!

Accent Bowl. We just got in this AWESOME accent bowl. It is a glass bowl that is held up by wood. The wood looks amazing on any end table, especially on a wooden logged table. Fill it with some aroma leaves or leave it empty.

Magazine Holder. Everyone needs a magazine holder, right?! Why not make it a fashionable one?! This faux leather, fur lined and rustic patterned magazine holder will look great next to a neutral colored sofa or even an elaborately decorated accent chair.  

Floor Lamp. Floor lamps are popular when you don’t have enough room for an end table, or even just to add style to a boring room. There are plenty of floor lamps that have a rustic look to them, especially the one we have in our store that has pieces of wood traveling up the lamp!

Cocktail Table. A cocktail table can be the centerpiece to your room. Make sure your cocktail table is something worth looking at! The rustic cocktail table that we have featured is matching with the rustic wood and glass bowl. 

Candle Holders. Candles set the mood in any home. Put them on your mantle above your fireplace for an added rustic feel to your living room. They do not have to be elaborately decorated. Any candle with a real burning flame will look great in a rustic home!

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