Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Furniture You Wish You Could Have.. RIGHT NOW

"Design is in everything we make, but it's also between those things. It's a mix of craft, science, storytelling, propaganda, and philosophy." - Erik Adigard 

Same Day Design is a category of furniture that we sell here at Kensington Furniture. It is funky, fresh AND you can take it home the same day that you purchase it! The great thing about same day design is that it is always available. 

We have a bunch of items in our store that fall under the Same Day Design category. For example, we have bedroom sets, accent chairs, tables and even dining sets! We also have a large variety of vendors that fall under the Same Day Design category. 

A lot of our customers like to customize their furniture and they don’t mind waiting for their pieces to arrive. However, we do have customers that come into our store and NEED furniture, right away! We take pride in our ability to accommodate everyone. The Same Day Design collection accommodates the customers who need furniture, ASAP!

We also have accents and accessories that are part of our Same Day Design collection. We always make sure to have something in stock for every different style. So, if you need furniture.. RIGHT NOW.. look for the red Same Day Design tag! 

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